The fifth and final installment of Mega Centurions: Mega No More is now available for preorder on PreviewsWorld. This is the final issue of the series and is DOUBLE SIZED!
Be sure to preorder it at your local comic book shop using the Diamond Code SEP221974 or (depending on where you live) the Lunar Code 0922SC406. If you don’t have a comic shop, you can always order it through an online shop that will deliver it to you.
Don’t miss out.

In other news, Mega Centurions #3 has been delayed and will not hit stores until October 12th.
Mega Centurions #4 is still scheduled to come out at the end of the month but there may be delays as well. I will try to post an updates should any changes occur.
Thanks to all who have checked out the series. I appreciate it.