
Clusterf@#k #5 Cover Art

Check it, fools. Awesome stuff!


Someday Cover Art

Kevin recently sent me the final cover art for Someday. I’m more than pleased. It’s great work and fits the story well. At the risk of sounding like a broken record, this was a very different type of story than I was used to writing. It had my reservations about writing something about myself, but […]


Clusterf@#k #4 is out and #5 is in progress

Clusterf@#k #4 (the comic that the cover above belongs to) is currently out on Comixology. Meanwhile, Issue #5 is coming long nicely. I recently got some more layouts and I expect that we will be on track to release it in April. I’m excited.


Clusterf@#k #4 is out tomorrow on Comixology!

If the art doesn’t convince you to check out the newest issue, I don’t know what else will. It looks gorgeous.  Two issues to go. Go to Comixology to catch up if you haven’t read the series already.