

[Taken from the July 1st Edition of my weekly newsletter No Title Needed.] My copy of GIGA came in the mail yesterday and I was excited to finally crack it open after ordering it eight months ago. It was written by Alex Paknadel, drawn by John LĂȘ, colored by Rosh, and lettered by Aditya Bidikar […]


Sakamoto Days

[Taken from my August 5th Newsletter and expanded upon] At NWI Comic Con earlier this year, they were giving out gift bags that included a couple VIZ Manga Samplers. One of the samplers had a chapter from the manga Sakamoto Days. I enjoyed it and thought it had a good hook but never really followed […]


Review: The Crimson Cage

[Originally in the July 16th Edition of my newsletter. It has been slightly modified and expanded upon.] [In my previous newsletter] I talked about Dig #1 by John Lees & Alex Cormack and said I was excited to read their wrestling comic The Crimson Cage. Well, it actually came in the mail earlier this week. […]